A national party keeps posting on their social media about the NHS…and how a vote for them on 4th May will ‘Save the NHS’. Well, if it were a General Election then yes, maybe. But this is a local election not one for Westminster. In my four years as an Ashford Borough Councillor, not once have I been in a position to ‘Save the NHS’ from my seat in the Council chamber. The same national party wrote to me as a Postal Voter and said if I vote for an independent then I’ll get a Conservative council. My hope is that if I voted for an Independent, I’ll get an Independent – someone who will champion my local community and who isn’t interested in this current level of gutter politics. How dare they insult our intelligence as voters by stating that?
Another candidate for a neighbouring ward is stating that a vote for them will mean you won’t go “cold, hungry or homeless!” Really? Wow! Borough Councillors are champions of our community. We report and deal with issues affecting our neighbourhood – waste collections, dog mess, damaged street name signs, social housing, and playparks etc. During lockdown many of us supported those vulnerable in our communities with shopping, collecting medication etc. Whilst I’d love to provide my residents with heating, unlimited food and a roof over their heads, that’s somewhat out of my remit as a Borough Councillor. I’m worried that this individual firstly believes they can solve that national issue from a seat in Civic Centre, but also that they think our residents would believe that too.
In a desperate attempt for votes, another national party has wheeled out the local MP to go door knocking with them. Thank goodness for my ‘Ring’ doorbell which enables me to screen who I answer the door to!
Now more than ever the strapline “standing for local people not national party politics” stands true.
Don’t let the insulting national party lies put you off voting. Don’t let apathy be the winner at the polls. Use your vote for a local person who you see working hard for your area. Someone who will stand up and say what you, their residents think. You are selecting your community champion – your voice – not a national party puppet who is told what to say and do.